Strength Training Gains with Altitude

During the Mexico Olympics in 1968 questions were asked about certain unknown athletes. How were they beating the favourites and how were races like the marathon so much slower?
We all know now that Altitude, or Hypoxic conditions have a huge impact on performance when competing. Whether we’re competing at altitude or using simulated altitude to improve performance. What has only recently become known is its effect on strength training. Recent research studies have shown exciting potential for this type of training method. The gains are substantial enough to make this worth considering if you’re looking for added strength and power gains in your athletic pursuits.
The research shows there are various mechanisms for these improvements in performance, whether it’s the increase in Human Growth Hormone which stimulates muscle repair and growth or the increase in muscle metabolites seen during the testing. Whatever it is, I’d be happy with a 10% increase in size and a 37% increase in strength!
Fancy trying it out for yourself?
Athlete 4D are the only training facility in the North East to provide Intermittent Hypoxic Resistance Training (IHRT). The protocols devised are based off the research to date and the vast experience gained in strength training.

Latest research
Hormone response
Strength and power response