Our sweat and hydration testing is perfect for any athlete who understands the effects of improper hydration on performance.
Sweat Sodium Test
The sweat sodium test is a simple, non-invasive test and provides you with a detailed written report with recommendations on the appropriate sodium intake pre, during and post exercise or competition. It can be completed at the Athlete 4D gym and takes 75 minutes. During this time you’ll complete a 60 minute exercise session similar to that of your competition based activity and intensity. On completion of the session your sweat is analysed by our MX3 Lab Pro Device and the detailed report produced and emailed to you to maximise your performance in training and competition.
Optimal Hydration Testing
Endurance, strength and cognitive function are all affected even with just a 1 – 2% body mass loss, whilst also increasing the risk of injury. Therefore, optimal hydration for your sport can be the difference between success and failure. Our simple, non-invasive hydration tests can provide you with a base line hydration scores, show the difference in post exercise hydration and demonstrate how effective your re-hydration strategy is. We recommend combining hydration testing with the sweat sodium test for the best possible hydration strategy.